# of watchers: 22
Fans: 0
| D20: 11 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: do you talk to mary ellen a lot, or did you just randomly go to her page?
2007-10-08 [de Morte]: Who? I know screen names not the real ones...
2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: [Taxicab Messiah]
2007-10-08 [de Morte]: Randomly... I guess..
2007-10-08 [†Sweets†]: ok ^^
2007-10-08 [de Morte]: Why'd you ask?
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: no reason
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: dude im like gone from here Xd
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: why???
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: well i mean you guys nocked me of the comments! XD
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: ah ha
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: :P
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: ^^
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^
2007-10-09 [de Morte]: O.o Comment then!
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: kk XD
2007-10-09 [de Morte]: ^^
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: but you see i went to bed and they kept talking ^^ XD
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: comment? comment what???
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: on this page XD
2007-10-09 [de Morte]: Awww...
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: what?!
2007-10-09 [de Morte]: I don't know!
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: XDDD
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: omg!
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: GR! on both of you!
2007-10-09 [The Dark Wolf]: *Blinks*
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: not you yoruchi
2007-10-09 [The Dark Wolf]: i know.....
2007-10-09 [†Sweets†]: ok
2007-10-09 [TheKingdomLight]: hehehe!!!
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: *pokes*
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: brats
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: Me?
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: yes, you and link
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: Why me?
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: you two are brats
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: How so?
2007-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: ????wtf????
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: cause i said so ^^
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: =/... *silence* ...
2007-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: ...? ne??
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: lol
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: not you...
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: who?
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: you!
2007-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: not me, i know that XD lol
2007-10-10 [de Morte]: mmhmm... who ish the master?
2007-10-10 [†Sweets†]: de morte is master. *bows*
2007-10-11 [de Morte]: Then why do you not sit?
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: becuase her butt is part on the anarcy!!
2007-10-11 [†Sweets†]: *sits* i didnt know who you were talking to
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-10-11 [de Morte]: Good! *hugs*
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: O.o ummmmm.... hi?
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: HIIIIIII!!!!!! *waves*
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: *Jumps then looks at links.* HIIIIIIIIIIIII
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^ *waves again*
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: how is you doing? ^^
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: i is doing good!
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: good!
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: whats new?
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: nuttin much
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: thats no fun....
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: yes i know u.u
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: i'm at a college dorm! hehehe ^^
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: lucky ducky ^^
2007-10-11 [The Dark Wolf]: its fun here. lol but the food sucks. lol
2007-10-11 [TheKingdomLight]: XDDD
2007-10-13 [†Sweets†]: *sits on floor looking around* i like here...
2007-10-13 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-10-13 [†Sweets†]: what??
2007-10-13 [TheKingdomLight]: idk
2007-10-13 [†Sweets†]: ok
2007-10-13 [TheKingdomLight]: kk
2007-10-30 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *purrs with a small yawn*
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: wow, havent been here in a while...
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: thats my job meow!!
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: hehehehehe
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: im hungry
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: same heres
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: lets go get food!
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: yes!!
2007-10-30 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Ha ha no way! I'm a ninja cat ^^
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: im a vampric ninja cat meow!!
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: wow
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: mew! ^^
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: im just vampric...
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-10-30 [†Sweets†]: ^^
2007-10-30 [TheKingdomLight]: heh
2007-10-31 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Vampiric..... I can be that way sometimes too. I'm more of just a ninja cat who prowls the nights though ^^
2007-10-31 [TheKingdomLight]: sadomasochist!
2007-10-31 [†Sweets†]: link!!
2007-11-01 [*(.Randi.)*]: *omg dies*
2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: XD
2007-11-01 [TheKingdomLight]: haha
2007-11-01 [†Sweets†]: lalalala
2007-11-01 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^
2007-11-05 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Mua ha ha ha!
2007-11-05 [†Sweets†]: o.0
2007-11-05 [de Morte]: O.o?? *scratches head*
2007-11-06 [†Sweets†]: yep yep
2007-11-06 [de Morte]: Moo...
2007-11-06 [†Sweets†]: cow
2007-11-06 [de Morte]: ^^ I ish cow!!!
2007-11-06 [†Sweets†]: lol
2007-11-06 [de Morte]: hehehe!
2007-11-07 [TheKingdomLight]: omgs DX i was gone for two days and im flodded with replys and wiki's and member changes XD
2007-11-07 [†Sweets†]: aw
2007-11-07 [Erubeus]: I was gone for almost ten days once and it took me two days to clear my wikis changes and crap..
It was so frustrating that I didn't even want to get on...
2007-11-07 [†Sweets†]: I was gone for two weeks once... I had over 150 messages, and it took me 6 hours to get through the wikis...
2007-11-07 [Erubeus]: Dx
That suxxs.
2007-11-07 [†Sweets†]: eh, it happens...
2007-11-07 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-11-07 [†Sweets†]: Feel better now?
2007-11-07 [TheKingdomLight]: kinda
2007-11-07 [†Sweets†]: lol
2007-11-07 [TheKingdomLight]: ^^
2007-11-23 [de Morte]: *hugs*
2007-11-23 [*(.Randi.)*]: I was gone for three weeks once, and I only had 7 messages...
2007-11-23 [TheKingdomLight]: XDDD i had 21 messages in like 4 days 0.0
2007-11-24 [†Sweets†]: I just got on, after this morning, I have 35...
2007-11-24 [TheKingdomLight]: XDD
2007-11-24 [†Sweets†]: Stop doing that Link...
2007-11-24 [TheKingdomLight]: XDDDDD
2007-11-24 [†Sweets†]: Brat
2007-11-24 [TheKingdomLight]: bitch
2007-11-24 [†Sweets†]: O.O
2007-11-24 [TheKingdomLight]: lol you take things to personaly!
2007-11-24 [†Sweets†]: Brat.
2007-11-24 [Love and Chaos]: Yeah you know i've been one for about 2 months. I've only had 2 messages and a crap load of diaries and a few wiki's. I feel so unloved.......
2007-11-24 [TheKingdomLight]: BITCH
and i sorry love!
2007-11-25 [de Morte]: Mew?
2007-11-25 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-11-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: GEEZ. What do you guys do? Just randomly start talking to people??
2007-11-25 [†Sweets†]: Yes, yes I do. And I talk to the random people who talk to me.
2007-11-25 [*(.Randi.)*]: Oh. How many friends do you have?
2007-11-26 [de Morte]: Don't count ^^
2007-11-26 [†Sweets†]: almost 200
2007-11-26 [TheKingdomLight]: u.u i feel lonely >>
2007-11-26 [†Sweets†]: why?
2007-11-27 [TheKingdomLight]: idk
2007-11-28 [†Sweets†]: :(
2007-11-28 [TheKingdomLight]: )
2007-11-28 [de Morte]: *hug*
2007-11-28 [†Sweets†]: *glomp's link*
2007-11-29 [TheKingdomLight]: ACK!!! *ish glomped*
2007-11-30 [†Sweets†]: hehehe *NUZZLE!!*
2007-11-30 [TheKingdomLight]: meh -.- *takes the abuse*
2007-11-30 [*(.Randi.)*]: Abuse?! Oh, so now NUZZLING is ABUSE?? What has the world come to these days?!
2007-11-30 [TheKingdomLight]: lol yesh lets all nuzzle the little emo girl -.- lol
2007-12-03 [†Sweets†]: Goddess!! Help me NUZZLE!!!
2007-12-04 [TheKingdomLight]: NUUUUUUU
2007-12-05 [*(.Randi.)*]: *Mega-nuzzle*
OH MAN! OMG! O.....M......G
2007-12-07 [TheKingdomLight]: GAHHHHHHH
2007-12-08 [†Sweets†]: NUZZZZZZZLLLLL
2007-12-09 [*(.Randi.)*]:
2007-12-14 [Raesha]: we have so much power now! were almost fifty strong! soon we can rebel!
2007-12-14 [†Sweets†]: *RECRUITING!!*
2007-12-14 [Mortified Penguin]: "Elftown is the fantasy and science fiction community for Elfwood artists and hangarounds."
Just because those people aren't able to contribute, doesn't mean they should be allowed to be here... *eats ramen*... you narcissistic pigs.
2007-12-15 [Raesha]: hey! im not a pig! pigs dont have fingers and can't use a key board! i win!
~in all seriousness, i don't mind the people who aren't writers and artists. What i can't stand are the people who have a million pictures of them being dumb and simply put them there for the attention. that's what bothers me.
2007-12-15 [*(.Randi.)*]: REBELING!
2007-12-17 [TheKingdomLight]: WOPOT
2007-12-17 [Raesha]: we should make picket signs!
2007-12-17 [XxTsomexX]: Penguin, shut the hell up. You are seriously annoying, and your one of those people who belong at Myspace.
2007-12-17 [Mortified Penguin]: Just what makes you say that? ...*eats ramen*...
2007-12-17 [XxTsomexX]: Your always causing trouble on wikis and your always getting people upset. I think your fake, and that you should not be here.
2007-12-18 [Mortified Penguin]: Always causing trouble? I beg to differ... I've done more good for Elftown than you.
2007-12-18 [XxTsomexX]: Riight, okay.
2007-12-19 [TheKingdomLight]: woot pick it signs!!! *holds a sign up that has a nose on it*
2007-12-19 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol
2007-12-19 [TheKingdomLight]: haha
2007-12-19 [Raesha]: let's all love each other? or take it outside?
~ i want my sign to be yellow! *fetches paint*
2007-12-19 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-12-19 [Raesha]: what color do you want?
2007-12-19 [TheKingdomLight]: ummm green! c
2007-12-19 [XxTsomexX]: I want mine neon orange...
2007-12-19 [SpiritOfTheWater]: PINK! *dances in pink* Ya! *sits on bean bag again*
2007-12-20 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2007-12-22 [Raesha]: *brings paint* Now, to work! *works furiously*
2007-12-22 [TheKingdomLight]: * paints hand green*
2007-12-24 [*(.Randi.)*]: Happy Chrisolstahana
2007-12-25 [Raesha]: ...
2007-12-26 [TheKingdomLight]: lol
2008-01-11 [Raesha]: i wonder... how would that work?
2008-01-15 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Green hand? O_O *blinks awkwardly....*
That would be difficult to celebrate!
2008-02-09 [Raesha]: that will make it even more special once we figure it out!
2008-02-10 [SpiritOfTheWater]: We can have trees and menorahs and stuff!
2008-02-10 [*(.Randi.)*]: Fun fun fun!
2008-02-14 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yay! PARTEH!
2010-04-27 [Mortified Penguin]: ...*eats ramen*...
2010-04-29 [Mortified Penguin]: It's a little ironic that the top half of the wiki perfectly describes a lot of the members of the wiki...
Just because you don't have a Myspace page, doesn't mean you aren't like the people that are on Myspace.
2010-04-29 [wicked fae mage]: Indeed true. I really only add people I talk to, RP with, or know prior to the internet meeting.
I stopped using myspace because of all the people who just add you. It was a convenient place at first to talk to your friends who all used different messengers without having to flip through windows...and then you have internet drama, people commenting fucked up pictures on your page, people you don't even know adding you...and all of the app invites and getting sick of sifting through who you know and don't and adding everybody, getting status updates...*kil
Plus ET usually allows for intelligent convos...
Number of comments: 1598
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